Internationally acclaimed founder and speaker guides clients through life’s money stages towards a debt free lifestyle

STUART, FL — Donald F. White didn’t start out in life to become a nationally respected financial authority, inspiring keynote speaker and author, host of his own radio broadcast or internationally acclaimed lecturer. And he didn’t intend to become President of one South FIorida’s leading wealth advisory firms. In fact, just ask White and he’II readily admit that as a kid growing up in south Florida during the 1960’s, his eyes were more focused on a journalism career. “I love everything about sports and broadcasting,” He grins, “I was just not very good at either early on.”

From humble beginnings in Fort Lauderdale, White embraced a powerful work ethic early on as an adult, which he quickly transformed to a personal vision and bold desire: achieve excellence in financial knowledge and teach and train others on peak financial performance.

White’s personal style of embracing education and inspiration, as well as his specific strategies to help those most in need, allowed him to master financial and professional achievement. So it came as no surprise when Don quickly accelerated through the financial services industry in his early twenties, attaining major producer status with three leading Wall Street brokerage firms as well as becoming one of the most highly sought-after speakers on financial practice management. Indeed, last year alone, White spoke at over 30 conferences, in 12 different countries, within the continents of North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. His radio broadcast is heard daily throughout South Florida and worldwide over the Internet.

Today in sunny Stuart, Florida – home of Treasure Coast Financial Services, Inc. (TCFS) – White beams with the same enthusiasm as Founder, President/CEO of the firm. A bit older and wiser, his rapture is now still of similar pace and tone – to educate and empower Americans and their money for a better quality of life.

It all started for White when his financial career debuted as a Life Insurance agent with New York Life Insurance Company in 1977. He quickly progressed and, as the 1980’s began, soon landed in the ranks of sales management with Pacific Mutual Life Insurance. In 1985, he ventured into the investments field as an Advisor with E.F. Hutton & Co and quickly worked his way to Vice President- Investments in 1987. Along the way, he earned highly respected industry accreditations including the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and the Accredited Estate Planner (AEP) designations.

As the 1980’s drew to a close, White singled out a higher calling — one where he could teach financial strategies to the public. Prudential Securities took note of this passion and recruited him in 1988 as Regional Director of Life Insurance and Estate Management, a position he occupied until 1994.

“Over that seven-year period,” White claims, “the blueprint for TCFS took shape. Colleagues and competitors alike revealed ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ of financial counseling. In many ways, what I saw in our industry was really troubling,” he continues. “Clients really did not have anyone they could call on for complete financial assistance, let alone simple guidance when it came to wealth management issues.”

White believes his process is a refreshing approach in a society ingrained with the belief that it is okay to “spend more than you make and use credit to make up the difference.” He sees Treasure Coast Financial as a resource for investors who want an advisor that looks at finances from the unique point of view that debt actually convolutes wealth rather than increase it.

In 1998, White produced a three-part audio series on mastering your vision, goals and finances entitled “Legacy Planning.” In 2001, he was back in the studio producing a second three-part audio series entitled “Building a Great Business,” outlining 15 secrets to building a great business. Both series have been hot sellers at conferences he has been asked to address throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and all over the United States.

His daily radio program entitled, “G0d’s Money” allows White to communicate his message to prospective clients in a unique way and while building credibility in the marketplace as THE person to see to become financially free.

Outside of business, White is a cyclist, accomplished golfer and outdoorsman. It is not uncommon to see Don riding 50 miles on his bicycle, getting in 18 holes before dark or sculling on the St. Lucie River behind his home, but his greatest joy is spending time with his twin 8-year old daughters, Sydney and Reagan, and his wife, Grace.

His passion also extends into philanthropy as he gives away thousands of dollars annually to charities associated with helping children. Indeed his life was changed forever in 2003 when as part of a group that went to China to build a playground at a special need foster care facility run by the Philip Hayden Foundation (PHF). White saw firsthand the need to help orphans with disabilities in the world’s most populated country. He quickly became involved with PHF as a volunteer and advisor and by the end of 2003 had adopted his twin girls, both special need orphans with cleft lips and palates.

Today White is a board member of Love with Boundaries, a non-profit organization that provides surgery, medical, nutrition, foster care and education for special needs orphans throughout China. He has spearheaded the start of a healing center in Beijing and is currently working to open a cleft healing center in Anhui and a medical healing center in the Shanghai area.

Whether it is speaking to worldwide audiences, meeting with one of his many clients, flying halfway around the world to help children or peddling his bike at 30 miles per hour, White’s passion for life has set this financial advisor and entrepreneur apart in today’s ever-changing financial scene.